Fall Risk📉
It’s very common for people to take a fall – particularly seniors. Falls can occur for a range of reasons and fall risk is a complex topic. However, when we consider the physical aspect, most fall risk programs honestly are under-delivering and missing the boat.
If you google fall risk training, you’ll find a range of “balance” exercises where the person stands with theirs eyes open or closed and on different surfaces. This is reasonable – and this is better than nothing – but it’s flawed.
Balance is predicated on a few factors and one of the major ones is force development and strength – two factors that heavily decline with aging. These are the things that are the biggest bang for your buck.
Throws, squats, rows, jumps, carries, calve raises, stepping, hinges. These are things that should be center pieces – just scaled to what the person can do.
Senior Fitness at its best! #keepstpetefit #fitnessmadepossible