The Problem With Staring at Your Phone

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Are smartphones a pain in the neck?

Studies conducted in the US say “text neck” is becoming an epidemic that could lead to permanent damage.

The posture we adopt as we stare at our phones increases the stress on the neck and can cause excessive wear and tear that may eventually require an operation to correct it.

With smartphone users now spending an average of two to four hours a day with their heads dropped down, this results in “700 to 1,400 hours a year of excess stresses seen about the cervical spine”, according to the research.

Something to think about:

Wonder why your neck hurts?

Wonder why you have headaches?

Wonder why your head feels heavy?

Wonder why you’re in a fog?

How much time do you spend looking down at your phone?

Some things you can do to help:

Use voice recognition and make phone calls instead, and take regular breaks and alter their texting positions to avoid problems.

Source: surgical technology international

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