These are the Steps to using our Train Heroic App so that you can get your workouts done with us and complete all your exercises!
- The Trainheroic app icon is bright yellow with a H in the center
- Open the app, at the bottom there are 5 options, click training next to Home
- Top left there is a drop down arrow that will guide you to all clients
- Search the client by first or last name
- When logging a workout be sure to choose the correct day by ensuring the last day on the calendar (date does not matter) has a green dot on it, that is your indication that the program has been completed.
- If a client has been out for a few days/weeks you may need to scroll back on the calendar to ensure you are not repeating the last program they did!
- Hit log at the top of the workout leading the client to their readiness intake questions. If this is a newer client, remind them to enter based on the colors (green=great, red=horrible) You cannot read all the words on the Ipad version of the application.
- Next is their RAMP (Raise, Activate, Mobilize, Potentiate) We as coaches do not want our clients watching the videos provided but if you have forgotten/need a research on a movement you can quickly watch videos provided)
- If the green bottom at the bottom has Mark as Complete click once complete,( if it has undefined leave it alone!)
- Once into their program you will log all weights and reps in the sections provided. Be sure to take note on any adjustments. for example “first set he got 8 reps on left arm and 12 on right” You cannot log different weights for 1 set so its best to leave it in the notes especially if it was a large difference.
- If you are logging .5 pounds the application will not track it. It will allow you to enter 17.5 but it will change it to 18 the next time the program is used. Tracking either 17.5 or 18 is acceptable just understand what it means when you see 18lbs.
- Always be sure to see what the client did last for a certain exercise, whether it be reps, weights, or notes left by previous coaches. You can look at the history of the exercise next to the video. it will say LAST and below in blue it will show you the reps and sets they executed last.
- You can add sets by hitting the plus button below the reps and weight.
- Be sure to always have them finish out their program by clicking clicking Done Training and sliding the scale to communicate how the program felt to them.
- Motivate, inspire by celebrating their wins “wow Sandy! You lifted 1,500lbs and completed 300reps today! thats super impressive! I hope you are proud of yourself”