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Movement challenge of the week! Wall Core Marching!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Made Possible PT St. Pete 🏋️ (@madepossiblept) on Aug 3, 2020 at 6:13am PDT swipe left to view the entire movement!! We love this movement to teach our members how to brace!👌🏼.1. Start with your hands pressed firming Into the wall or solid object! 👊🏼2. Lift […]

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Client Spotlight- Emily

Happy Friday!! Time to show our appreciation for our clients! 🙂 Made Possible Personal Training would not be who or where it is today without our amazing clients! There really isn’t anyone quite like Emily at our gym. Emily’s changes both physically and mentally from day 1 are such a testament to what a little […]

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What does whole grain really mean!?

What is the difference between a whole grain and a refined grain you ask?! -WHOLE GRAIN=processing removes only the indigestible outer hull, preserving the nutrition-packed bran(antioxidants, minerals, vitamin B, fiber) and germ(the grains embryo rich in B,E, Antioxidants, Unsaturated fats) REFINED GRAIN=processing strips away the bran and germ—leaving behind only the soft, easy-to-chew endosperm that’s […]

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Movement challenge of the week!-POSTERIOR STEP DOWNS

……… Posterior step downs!  Choose your step height wisely! Higher the box, more challenging the movement! This is a killer movement to work those quads! stabilize those knees challenge that balance! Slow and steady wins the race! Dig through your stable heel and big toe! The drop foot should barely touch the floor!  There is […]

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Personal training and fitness in saint petersburg florida

What does approximately 20g of protein look like!?

Ever wonder how much protein you are getting per meal? Per snack? Per day!?  . If not you should probably stop reading this now🤚🏼 . I get asked a lot to help my members with their nutrition.  . Doesn’t matter if you are looking to lose weight or just become a better eater! It is […]

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Personal training and fitness in saint petersburg florida

Client Spotlight!-DJ

HAPPY FRIDAY!! It’s that time again- time to show our appreciation for our clients! 🙂 Made Possible Personal Training would not be who or where it is today without our amazing clients! DJ is coming up on his 1 year anniversary with the Made Possible team! DJ came in with a mindset that has allowed […]

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COVID-19: Exercise may protect against deadly complication

COVID-19: Exercise may protect against deadly complication May prevent or reduce severity of acute respiratory distress syndrome University of Virginia Health System News Release 15-Apr-2020 Credit: Dan Addison | UVA Communications Regular exercise may reduce the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome, a major cause of death in patients with the COVID-19 virus, a top exercise […]

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Professional Personal training in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Fitness coaching, progressive workouts, individualized cardio, best gym, focus on weight loss and senior fitness

Exercise of the Week! Reverse Snow Angels.

Performing the Reverse Snow Angels for your shoulder health:Here is a GREAT exercise for improving strength and control of your scapular stabilizing muscles at it’s end end ranges of motion. We recommend this typically before any upper body workout ESPECIALLY for you overhead athlete’s or anyone with rounded shoulders! Execution: Lie face-down on the floor […]

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Exercise of the Week! Lateral Shoulder Raises

Performing the Lateral/Side Shoulder Raise: You can use Dumbbells or a band for this when learning this movement or as you progress along this movement. Execution:While maintaining the torso in a stationary position (no swinging), Lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend on the elbow and the hands slightly tilted forward as […]

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Professional Personal training in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Fitness coaching, progressive workouts, individualized cardio, best gym, focus on weight loss and senior fitness

Exercise of the Week: Kettlebell Goblet Reverse Lunge

Exercise of the Week! Kettlebell Goblet Reverse Lunge Why we love it?1. It is a single leg movement! Creating more activation in our stabilizer muscles aka making your single leg work harder than if it was working with your other leg!2. Goblet loaded! Load those abs baby!3. Easy on the knee then a frontal lunge!4. […]

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